Friday, January 27, 2012

Dare I?

I am seriously contemplating designing an entry for the Peep Diorama Contest, sponsored by the Washington Post.
This annual contest has become a Washington DC tradition.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Juice, the nectar of life

Juice made from golden beet, cucumber, apple, grapes, ginger, carrot, and lime.
A delicious blend of awesomeness!

It will become evident that I am a bit obsessed with juice these days.
My tool of choice is a vintage Atlas Juice Master, which I procured from my Aunt Sylvia, former NY model and showgirl.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Monday, January 16, 2012

Sisters rock the pie world!

The Pie Sisters, Georgetown
I was skeptical about a pie shop (not being a big fan of pie) but after trying one of the little hand held pies, called cuppies, I am a believer. Omg! I am dreaming about pie now.
I actually know the family from which the pie sisters came and have always thought highly of that family. When their mother told me about their vision of a pie shop in Georgetown that (in its own way) would rival the popularity of GTCupcake, I could not imagine.
I now am a huge fan! Even if you do not like pie, you have to give it a try. I cant even describe how perfect the key lime pie cuppie was. It was the perfect crust with the perfect filling.
Mmmmmm pie!