Saturday, April 7, 2012

Adventures in granola making

I had never made granola, that is until I found myself with a huge surplus of rolled oats that I was not sure what to do with. What inspired me, you might ask? Well it was an article in Cooks Magazine about making your own granola. In the past this idea had never appealed to me. I always thought, why bother. But after going on a binge at Cosco (as the guest of my friend Marti) I found myself with an abundance of rolled oats, brown sugar, and maple syrup. I guess I thought these would be handy items for bartering in case of a national disaster. You know, the kind of disaster we were always preparing for, at least those of us that grew up during the Cuban missile crisis. Anyways, the recipe called for all three items so I thought, why not!
The exercise was a huge success. The version I have created is not too sweet, a little salty, and contains a yummy surprise. I think I could even go national with the variation of the recipe I have made. My husband who is an avid granola eater (every morning he tops his cereal with it) loves it and only wants my own special version. The best part is that now I know what I am giving everyone for Christmas next year.