Thursday, September 3, 2009

My intro to mate

For the past 8 months my Daughter has been living in Chili and Argentina working on organic farms, going to Hara Krishna yoga farms, and working in hostels. Last week I received a care package from her. Inside was a strange straw like looking thing. It was metal with one bulbous end filled with holes, like a strainer. Several days later she called and explained what the strange straw filter, or bombilla, was for.
Apparently in Argentina they drink quite a bit of a tea called Mate which is traditionally drunk from a cup made from a gourd. The gourd is filled with the Mate tea and then the straw is used to drink the tea preventing the loose tea leaves from being consumed. I have since found out the Mate is filled with healthy anti Oxidants and that there is a fascinating tradition called the circular ceremony connected to it.
See below

Traditional Use:
Mate is the national drink of Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Southern Brazil where it is consumed 6 to 1 over coffee. In Argentina, mate is a leading ingredient in their diet. In fact, in the poorer regions of Argentina, the government recommends that parents give mate to their children as a nutritional supplement. The Argentine Gauchos (cowboys) drink mate as their "liquid vegetable", relying on its array of nutrients to power them throughout the day. And the native forest peoples have survived periods of drought and famine drinking yerba mate and revere it as the “Drink of the Gods”.

In Paraguay, yuyeras (herbalists) have been using yerba mate for centuries as the base of herbal medicine mixtures called “remedios” or remedies. It is common to make “remedios” with yerba mate by steeping medicinal herbs in the water used to prepare mate in the gourd. It is believed that by improving circulation and promoting balance, yerba mate acts as a catalyst to enhance the healing powers of other herbs. Guayakí’s tea bag blends are inspired by the yuyeras.

The Name Yerba Mate
“Yerba” means herb. “Mate” is derived from the quichua word, "matí," which is the name of the gourd (Lagenaria vulgaris) traditionally used to drink yerba mate. So, literally, yerba mate means “herb cup”. A special ceremony has been developed over the centuries for drinking yerba mate. Custom has it that a hollowed out gourd is filled with the leaves of the yerba mate tree, and a bombilla (straw filter) is inserted. The gourd is then filled with hot water repeatedly and shared in a circular ceremony. This method of enjoying yerba mate inspires openness between those in the circle allowing the mate to do more than just nourish their bodies but also to nourish the souls and relationships gathered there.

I was so excited to learn about the traditions surrounding this tea, I found a web site which sells the mate and the gourds.
The company in addition to distributing the "best Mate in the world" Guayaki is also working towards reforestation of the South American rain forests.

New to me heirloom tomato

This summer I discovered a variety of heirloom tomato of which I was unfamiliar. Now it is my favorite type. It's name is Garden Peach and its characteristics are its delicate flavor that is low acid and a little sweet.

Good Stuff!

I ordered the BBQ on a Sunday night and received it on Tuesday morning.

I have three words to say… AMAZING! YUMMY! AWESOME!

I think without a doubt the Black's Barbecue I ordered was the most delicious barbecue I have tasted in my life.

It came packed in foil with ice-packs around it. The rich smokiness of the meat wafted from the package. The beef pork ribs and sausage were already fully cooked and just needed heating before serving.

Instructions for re-heating along with magnetic business cards for Black’s were also in the package.

To be authentic I served the barbecue with wonder bread, the Black’s BBQ sauce I had also ordered, Corm, baked-beans, and pickles.

The combination of the beef brisket, home made sausage, and the spicy sauce (not hot, just well seasoned) along with the wonderfulness of the wonder bread were my favorite.

I would absolutely go to the mailing expense to experience this treat again.

I highly recommend this culinary adventure and give the experience two thumbs up.

Monday, August 10, 2009

First entrée (get it?)

Here is my first entry on Beth's Culinary Adventures.

I am very excited about this one.


I was watching the travel channel when they were showing a special on The Best Barbecue in America. Of course they spent quite a bit of time visiting old family run Barbecue establishments in Texas since that is one of the best places to get the stuff.

The real thing!

Non of that thick, sticky, sweet, red stuff.

I was fascinated watching the preparation of the beef brisket and I was intrigued by the homemade sausage they also served.

When they interviewed the regulars that visited this one place called Black's Barbecue in Lockheart Texas, and when I saw the proprietors and how serious they were about this business, I found myself captivated and extremely curious.

Now, I do not know about the rest of the world but when I am curious about something I go straight to my computer and Google it.

The old time family barbecue house did have a web site and you could even order their Barbecue on line. Never having been to Texas and having no plans in the near future to visit there, I figured "What the Heck! Lets give this stuff a try."

Impulsively (I do some of my best work this way), and disregarding the excessive shipping cost, I forged ahead and placed an order for the beef brisket, hand made sausage, pork ribs, and a bottle of the Black's Barbecue sauce, their family recipe.

I am expecting it to arrive tomorrow and I will write a follow-up report. Oh boy!